May 24, 2013

Most adventurous hitchhiking ever

After our experience in Salzburg we were quite sure that it won't be that hard to get to St Gallen since it's just 211 km from Innsbruck and it takes about 2 hours by car so it seemed impossible to not make it in one day even if we would have to wait a lot... We were wrong. It was the most interesting, adventurous and longest hitchhiking we have ever done in this short distance. It took us 2 days, 7 rides , an ambulance car, an incredible night, a lot of good hearted people and a crazy lady to get to Switzerland. We thought it's worth it to share this story so here are the details.
We started at around 1pm from Innsbruck and we had to wait a bit more than two hours to get 20 km further and than we had to wait another 2 hours under a tree with hundreds of huge bugs and we started to go insane after waiting so long...But just before we almost gave up all our hope a car took us another 20 km.
St Gallen - bite! :)
We're going crazy!!!
And than it started to rain so we had to take cover. After it stopped raining we wanted to take our hitchhiking position back when an ambulance car started honking. We didn't think it was for us, but we were the only ones walking it that direction. The ambulance guys saw us before and they came back for us to take us a bit further. It was really fun! :) I mean it doesn't happen very often that you travel with an ambulance car without any serious reason.
In the ambulance car
The ambulance car as a taxi :)

We felt a bit lost because we had no idea where we are anymore. We took one more ride back to the highway and right before it got dark a really nice guy took us close to the Swiss border. The town name was Feldkirch. We knew that we can't hitchhike anymore. It was dark and it was raining quite hard.

We found a bar with free wifi and sent some desperate couchrequests that maybe somebody will answer and we don't have to camp outside. At around 11pm we left the bar and went searching for a nice place to camp. Well everything was wet, it was really dark and we were tired, so we pitched the tent in the middle of the city in a small park. A guy called us form CS but he wasn't in town so he couldn't help. We went to "sleep" in the tent tired, wet and cold... and after half an hour the phone rang at 00.30pm...
Castle on the way
We were really excited! We knew that it means that we don't have to sleep outside!!! The funny thing was that we camped right in front of the building where our kind new host lived! We were really happy, satisfied and relaxed. Grzegorz (our host for that night) made us hot tea, we could take a nice wam shower and we could sleep in a very comfortable warm bed. Best night ever!!!
Here is a little drawing based on this story :)
Our little hitchhiking story :)
The next day we started to hitchhike in the wrong direction, but an old couple still stopped and they went out of their way and they took us to the Swiss border than a crazy lady picked us up from there who later started yelling at our host on the phone but everything turned out to be just fine.

We feel really lucky because we met so many kind and helpful people just in two days!!! People are great! :)I think we will never forget these two crazy days.

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